2020 – It’s OK not to Know…

2020 – It’s OK not to know!

Full confession – I’m normally an annoying New Year’s person.  After all the excess over Christmas, by the time January comes, I am usually raring to go with plans, goals, resolutions, the works.

However, this year, I don’t have a plan laid out and was getting a bit frustrated with myself for not being fully on track by now.  But I’ve decided to spend the rest of this month really figuring out what I want to get out of the year and relaunch on the 1st of February!

To me it’s more important to spend time thinking about designing a life you want and how you are going to get there rather than setting resolutions that you may have ditched by the end of the month.

If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re finding it hard to get into 2020, consider if you’d had enough of the following over the last while:

  • SPACE: in order to decide what you want out of this year; you need to have had the space to think.  I went from a busy lead up to Christmas to a hectic festive period and a mini break over New Years.  I’m not complaining, it was all great.  I just didn’t spend much time alone reflecting as I was surrounded by people. Time to yourself, time outdoors or meeting with a coach can provide you with the space to work through your thoughts
  • REST: I’ve been easing myself back into exercise and healthy eating over the last couple of weeks but not throwing myself into it.  Simply because I am a little bit run down.  It’s OK not to go out at it hammer and tongs from 1st of January and spend a little time building your energy back up if that’s what your body needs.
  • TIME TO REFLECT ON 2019: in order to plan for 2020, it is useful to look back on what you learnt last year.  What worked, what didn’t work, what are you proud of, what was more challenging, who supported you?  Writing all this down or talking it through with someone can help clarify the insights.  This in turn can help inform 2020 goals.
  • BUZZ: when you’re “in flow”, you’re fully absorbed in the task and it lights you up.  You feel buzzing and full of beans!  This is how I feel when I’m coaching but because of the holiday period, I had taken a break from this and the energy that I get from it was missing.
  • CLOSURE: sometimes we start the year leaving something behind before we’re ready.  This may be still be floating around in your subconscious so it’s good to acknowledge it, figure out how to move past it so you can open up space for something year.

If, like me, you’re ready to start 2020 properly in February, then please get in touch and we can have a chat.  Elaine x

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